The Working Group on AI in Teaching started its activities in February 2023. The group is an advisory board of the Masaryk University management under the responsibility of Vice-Rector for Education and Quality Michal Bulant. It deals with the issues of using artificial intelligence (AI) tools in education and teaching at MU. Members of the group are nominated by individual faculties and other departments of the university. They meet approximately once a month and also communicate via online platforms. They are experts in IT, law, library science and other fields. The activities of the working group include but are not limited to:
- Formulate a general MU position on the use of AI in education. Based on the group's recommendations, the MU management adopted the document Position Statement on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching at Masaryk University, the main objective of which is to provide a framework for the use of AI technologies in teaching and education;
- to set out the rules for when and how the use of AI can be considered permissible. In this area, the group has proposed a document Recommendations for the use of AI in learning. The recommendations cover, among other things, referencing the use of AI tools;
- Define options and ways of methodological support for teachers and learners;
- define options and ways of educating learners.
The members of the group participate in educational activities in the field of the use of AI in teaching, including workshops and trainings organised by CERPEK - Centre for Competence Development.
Members of the group:
Mgr. Michal Bozděch, Ph.D. Assistant Professor - Department of Physical Education and Social Sciences, Faculty of Sports Studies
Mgr. Michal Bulant, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Education and Quality, Masaryk University
Mgr. Kateřina Chudová, Head of Department - Department of Language Education Centre, Faculty of Law
Mgr. Jitka Daňková, ICT Specialist - Computer Technology Centre
Mgr. Otto Eibl, Ph.D., Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies
PharmDr. Jan Elbl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy
Mgr. Tomáš Foltýnek, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing, Faculty of Informatics
Bc. Mgr. Jakub Havlíček, Ph.D., Methodologist of Teaching Innovations - Department for Quality at RMU
doc. Mgr. Tomáš Kačer, Ph.D., Associate Professor - Head of Department, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts
bc. Michaela Kortyšová, Project Manager - Office of the Bursar
Mgr. Jiří Kratochvíl, Ph.D., Head of Department - University Campus Library
Prof. PhDr. Josef Krob, CSc., Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
JUDr. Kateřina Ondroušková, Director of the Department - RMU Legal Department
RNDr. Pavel Lízal, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Science
Mgr. Ing. Jiří Marek, Head of Department - EOSC CZ Secretariat, Department of Computer Science
doc. JUDr. Matěj Myška, Ph.D, Department of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law
Mgr. Kateřina Oleksíková, Ph.D. Director of the Department - Department for Quality
Mgr. Ingrid Procházková, Ph.D. Development and Education Manager - Competence Development Centre
Mgr. et Mgr. Lucie Racyn. librarian-specialist, Central Library, Faculty of Arts
Ing. Tomáš Paleta, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration
Mgr. Jan Štěpánek, Administrator - Information Technology Centre, Faculty of Arts
Contact and administrative support of the working group.
Picture: Image: MACKENZIE, Mike. Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning. 2018-08-16 [cited 2023-06-20]. Available under a Creative Commons license at https://www.flickr.com/photos/152824664@N07/30212411048/