Quality of teaching at MUNI

Masaryk University strives to be an institution characterised not only by excellent research but also by excellent teaching. Quality teaching is teaching that is effective and better experienced by learners and teachers. Such teaching contributes to their well-being and to the reduction of student dropout rate. At Masaryk University, the quality of teaching in courses and degree programmes is methodologically and conceptually overseen by the Department for Quality in cooperation with the Centre for Competence Development (CERPEK).

External and internal context

The topic of teaching quality and the development of pedagogical competences has been emphasised in recent years by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Masaryk University includes the following goals in its Stategic Plan 1.1 Strengthen the importance of teaching as a prestigious academic mission and 1.3 Develop progressive modern teaching methods, distance and online forms of education.

Teacher support and cooperation with CERPEK

Masaryk University supports its teachers to teach well. Teachers can develop their teaching competences at CERPEK training events and receive support under the Innovation and Excellence grants. Teaching is also recognised annually through the Rector's Awards, which include categories for long-term excellent pedagogical work, outstanding teachers and for innovation in teaching, as well as the MU Academic Senate Student Chamber Award for Student Contribution to Teaching. Representatives of Masaryk University also took part in the CRP 2023 project Standards of Teaching Quality at Czech Universities, which analysed evaluation tools for assessing teaching quality and developed a proposal for a competency framework for HE teachers and recommendations for quality and effective collegial feedback.

Kompass MUNI

The Quality Office together with CERPEK are now involved in the Kompass MUNI project, which builds on these activities and aims to create a system of pedagogical competence development for all teachers at Masaryk University.

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