11 Mar
Students at MU play an important role in the system of internal evaluation and quality management of educational activities. They can be involved in a number of processes:
Evaluation of the quality of degree programmes
Course opinion poll
Each term, students have the opportunity to comment on the courses they have taken and the individual teachers through the course opinion poll. Through feedback, students can not only comment on individual courses or teachers but can also evaluate the teaching and make suggestions for improvement.
The course opinion poll has a uniform form throughout Masaryk University, but faculties can use the opportunity to add their own questions. The course opinion poll is anonymous.
This feedback is very important in the quality assurance system and the results of the course opinion poll are therefore being further dealt with:
- they are discussed by the Programme Board of the degree programme
- they enter into a comprehensive (large) internal evaluation of the degree programme
- they are taken into account when proposing the extension of the authorisation to implement the degree programme
Membership of the Programme Board
Students at MU have the opportunity to become members of the Programme Board of their degree programme and thus participate directly in its development. A member of the Programme Board may be not only a representative of students in the given degree programme, but also a graduate of that programme who is still actively studying at MU. All students of the given degree programme can nominate their representative to the Programme Board via the nomination application in IS, and the Dean subsequently appoints the Programme Board member.
Access to the nomination application is from the Programmes Catalogue (at the bottom of the right column for each degree programme).
Study programme evaluator
Once every five years, a representative of the students is a member of the evaluator panel for the internal evaluation of the degree programme, which prepares an evaluation of the degree programme and proposes measures for its further development. This mechanism ensures that students are actively involved in decision-making regarding the quality of degree programmes and that their voice is taken into account when deciding on measures to improve the quality of education.
Approval of degree programmes
In addition to membership in Programme Boards, which provide a space to comment on the degree programme and its further development, students can become members of faculty academic senates, the Academic Senate of Masaryk University or the Internal Evaluation Board of Masaryk University.
Academic Senate
Via faculty Academic Senates, students can participate in the discussion on the approval of degree programmes as representatives of the student community. The Academic Senate of the faculty discusses proposals for the establishment or expansion of degree programmes, as well as proposals for the extension of the authorisation to implement a degree programme.
MU Internal Evaluation Board
The Internal Evaluation Board system is a self-governing academic body of Masaryk University established within the internal quality assurance and evaluation system of educational, creative, and associated activities. As part of its work, The Internal Evaluation Board
- manages the course of the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and associated activities of Masaryk University;
- approves proposals for accreditation, expansion of accreditation or extension of the validity period of accreditation of degree programmes;
- decides on the granting of authorisation to implement degree programmes;
- checks the fulfilment of the requirements for quality assurance of Masaryk University activities resulting from legal regulations and internal regulations of Masaryk University;
- prepares a report on the internal quality evaluation of educational, creative and associated activities at MU and supplements to this report;
- provides methodological assistance in the quality assurance processes of degree programmes at MU;
receives suggestions related to the implementation of degree programmes.
Student involvement in other quality assessment processes:
The basic means of obtaining feedback are regular questionnaire surveys among various target groups, including:
- students at different stages of their studies (course opinion poll)
- graduates
- applicants for study at MU
Quality assessment processes also take into account quantitative and qualitative analyses that monitor and evaluate, among other things:
- the success rate in the admission procedure
- academic failure
- the employability of graduates on the labour market
- equitable attitude towards all applicants and students