Innovation and Excellence Grants
Since 2023, Masaryk University has been supporting innovations in the teaching of key subjects and excellent degree programmes through several calls within the framework of the Programme for Supporting Strategic Management of Universities. During the year 2023, 33 teaching innovation projects were supported with a total allocation of EUR 7.3 million. CZK, and 30 excellent study programmes were supported with a total allocation of CZK 18.5 million.
The Quality Office guarantees these calls and provides support to applicants, e.g. in the form of webinars, as well as to investigators for the duration of the grant support (information on the MUNI Portal).
The aim of the project calls is also to support and systematise the dissemination of good practice in the field of excellent teaching. This systematisation is done in cooperation between the Quality Office and CERPEK, for example through regular reflective meetings for teachers led by experts in the field of university didactics and pedagogy.