The Award for Quality Teaching
In 2025, the Vice-rector for Studies and Quality MU Mgr. Michal Bulant, Ph.D. announces a new competition that will acknowledge pedagogical activities at Masaryk University: The Award of the Vice-rector for Studies and Quality of Masaryk University for Quality Teaching. The creation of a new award for pedagogical activities is another step emphasizing the prestige and importance of this area of academic work.
The aim of this Award is to acknowledge teachers for their complex approach to the matters of quality teaching and systematic efforts to increase this quality. The care for the teaching quality that we are acknowledging may take different forms, for example: continuous development of pedagogical competencies, reflection of students’ needs, involvement of the students in the teaching, creation of a safe and supportive learning environment, and participation in sharing of good practice.
The collection of the nominations takes place between January 1 and March 31. Nominations should be sent electronically to
For more detailed information on the competition organization and the nomination process, please see a dedicated site on Portal.
If you have any questions, please contact Mgr. Karolína Zlámalová.