Our degree programmes undergo regular evaluation to continuously improve their quality. Through evaluation, we can respond to the changing needs of the labour market and ensure that our graduates are well prepared for professional life.
Internal evaluation processes of the degree programme
The internal evaluation processes of the degree programme are applied during the implementation of the degree programme and include both regular annual, so-called small internal evaluations and, at the latest every 5 years, comprehensive, so-called large internal evaluations of the degree programme.
Fundamental general principles
Fundamental general principles are common to all types of degree programme evaluation at Masaryk University (e.g. predictability and transparency of evaluation procedures, use of available data on degree programmes, combination of self-assessment and perspectives of other key stakeholders as external evaluators, etc.).
Basic parameters of internal evaluation
The basic parameters of internal evaluation of degree programmes at MU are enshrined in MU Degree Programme Quality Regulations.
Each year we focus on a detailed evaluation of all aspects of study, from teaching to study materials. The results of this evaluation help us to identify areas for improvement.
Small internal evaluation process
The small internal evaluation process is closely linked to the work of the programme boards. Section 8 and 9 and Section 13 (Paragraph 15 - 16) of MU Degree Programme Quality Regulations regulate small internal programme evaluations. The annual evaluation of the degree programme takes place at the annual meeting of the programme or doctoral board, the minutes of which are taken in the prescribed structure. The Programme Board, within the framework of the internal evaluation of the degree programme, primarily evaluates the development plan, focusing on: the results of the admission procedure; the course and result of the state final examinations and the defence of qualification theses; the results of the course opinion poll for the last period; the state of internationalisation of the degree programme; the rate of academic failure; the promotion of the degree programme towards potential applicants, etc.
Minutes of the annual meeting of the Programme/Disciplinary Board
The minutes of the annual meeting of the programme/disciplinary board are stored and archived in the MU IS and are accessible to members of the programme/disciplinary board, members of the IEB and members of MU and faculty academic bodies.
Every five years, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation that covers all aspects of the study. The aim is to get a comprehensive picture of the quality of our degree programmes and to develop a plan for further development.
Comprehensive (large) evaluation is an essential tool
A comprehensive (large) evaluation of degree programmes is a crucial tool for monitoring and developing the quality of education at MU. Its main purpose is to provide the degree programme with incentives for further development in relation to the fulfilment of standards, the development plan and the university's strategy. The comprehensive (large) evaluation process should encourage open discussion about the quality of education among members of the academic community and ensure the sharing of good practice across degree programmes.
The major internal evaluation is regulated by Article 13 of the Internal Regulation
A comprehensive (large) evaluation of a degree programme is regulated by Article 13 of the MU Degree Programme Quality Regulations.
The main parameters of a comprehensive (large) evaluation include
The main parameters of a comprehensive (large) evaluation include that it takes place in five-year cycles and involves three evaluators (a student/alumni representative, an employer representative and an academic working in the field or a related field), while at the same time the evaluation should be formative and provide critical reflection on the functioning of the degree programme. The outcome of the comprehensive (large) evaluation is a plan for the development of the degree programme.