Masaryk University has been the investigator of the OP JAK KompassMUNI (ESF+) project since the summer of 2024. The project aims to develop the competences of academic and non-academic staff, increase student success rate and improve strategic management. The Quality Office, together with the Centre for Competence Development, is involved in the sub-activity "Systemic set-up and implementation of the development and support of pedagogical competences of teachers at MU".

The role of the Quality Office and CERPEK

The role of the Quality Office is to create a comprehensive internal system of the care for teaching quality through revised and newly issued guidelines, internal regultions, recommendations, plans and other documents. This system will be based on the results of intensive communication with all parties involved in teaching and its evaluation, and the analysis of existing development, feedback and evaluation tools. CERPEK's role is then to design and deliver the actual training programmes and events into this system.


The implementation of activities within the KompassMUNI project will enable the university to formulate a shared vision of teaching quality and to systematically implement this vision. It will strengthen the possibilities of building the university as a learning organisation and building learning communities. Teachers at MU will be able to continuously develop throughout their careers according to their current learning needs. A significant increase in the number of educated teacher will have an impact on improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching as well as on student dropout rate.

The outcome of the project and our common goal is to be able to identify, develop, measure and evaluate the quality of teaching at Masaryk University.

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